Claudio QUARTI

Phone: +32 (0) 65 37 38 68

Claudio Quarti earned a PhD in Materials Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, in 2013, working in the group of vibrational spectroscopy, under the supervision of Dr. Mirella del Zoppo and Prof. Chiara Castiglioni. After that, he spent one year and a half as a post-doc at the CNR-ISTM of Perugia, under the direction of Dr. Filippo De Angelis. There, his work was devoted to the study of structural and electronic properties of hybrid metal halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications, via first-principle methods. In 2015, he gained a post-doc position at the University of Mons, under the direction of Prof. David Beljonne, extending his investigations on hybrid perovskite to surfaces and interfaces related properties, hot-charge relaxation and layered perovskite electronic structure. In late 2018, he gained the position of ‘chargé de recherches F.R.S.-FNRS’.
His main research interests include the study of opto-electronic properties and the spectroscopic response of systems in the condensed phase, via first principle calculations, semiconductors, electron-phonon interactions and materials modeling at the atomic scale.