Thi Quynh TRAN

Phone: +32 (0)65 37 38 39


Thi Quynh TRAN gained a joint Master degree in Advanced Materials and Environment from the University of  Toulon (France) and Viet Nam National University (VNU) in Ha Noi, Viet Nam in 2018. Her Master thesis entitled “Development of new phosphate-based catalysts for biogas upgranding to green hydrogen” was carried out at École des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux. During 6-months in RAPSODEE research centre (URM CNRS 5302) at École des Mines d’Albi, she was worked with solid-phase synthesis processes and catalytic tests. In 2019, she joined the Laboratory for Chemistry of Novel Materials as a Graduate student  for a Ph. D. thesis (financed by an ARES-CDD grant between UMONS and VNU) under the supervision of Prof. Philippe Leclère. Her subject of research deals with the study the mechanical and (piezo) electrical properties of smart nanostructured bio-sourced materials for wind turbine blade coatings incorporating self-powered sensors for the in situ degradation/aging diagnosis of the blades by SPM techniques. During this work, she will also analyse the influence of the climate on these properties, by comparing the smart coating mechanical and electrical properties in different meteorological environments (namely, tropical (Hanoi, Viet Nam), Mediterranean (Toulon, France), and tempered oceanic (Mons, Belgium)).